Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What am I whining about!?!

Busy, busy time...I have been watching the crazy squirrels and realized this fall season really is a time to get ready for hibernation. Because if things don't slow down- I am taking the winter off, and will re-emerge in April, ok?

We have literally been going non-stop, so I apologize I haven't had the energy to update the way I want to. I hit the pillow and pass out, then wake up running. But with all of that, God has been good! We at least are not homeless yet, and have seen how awesome God has been in so many ways. I still look at my kids with a little bit of amazement- how they can be so totally cool I have no idea. They have jumped in with both feet into their new school lives and living in town and are doing great. I love it!

There have been moments that I try to be melancholy, but whenever I start whining and feeling sorry for myself, He reminds me I have absolutely no right. :) I read a story last week that gave me the good slap in the face I needed. It was written by Gracia Burnham, a woman who was serving the people of Mindanao, Philippines when she was kidnapped and held for more than a year. During that time, she was terrified, hopeless, and at times- just wanting to die. She also lost her husband, as he was killed during a rescue attempt. In all of this grief and fear, she still knew that as soon as " my release came, I would return to my life of relative ease. Now here I sit in America with a beautiful home, plenty to eat, and a support group- while...women continue to endure hardness as good soldiers of Christ...So when I'm taking a nice hot bath, I pray. When I am putting on make-up and fixing my hair to get ready to go speak, I pray. When I'm running errands for my kids, I pray. When I pass an encouraging sign outside a church, I pray for those who don't have the 'infrastructure' I have. For those who are suffering because they believe in Jesus. For those who think they are all alone, yet remain true to their faith.
I pray for them the same thing I prayed for myself in the jungle: 'Lord, let them feel you close to them. Help them remain faithful as this situation just keeps going from bad to worse. Show them a glimpse of your goodness so they know they are not alone. And at the end, I know You'll be there." Gracia Burnham, foreword in the book, Hearts on Fire by VOM.

How blessed we are...to know that we are never alone and in the end, He will be there.

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