Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My girl is absolutely amazing...

After my ecstasy Tuesday with the Daphnes I got some bummer news, but Jazz totally lifted my spirits. She writes all the time, but this time she gave me permission to post this. I save all this junk I write for them someday, and I so wanted to add this "psalm" she wrote. Made me laugh and cry as I thought about how much our kids "get it" when we don't even know it. God is at work, my friends...and it's a beautiful thing.

"MY PSALM" by Jasmine
"Praise be to the father in heaven who helps us survive the everyday horror of middle school.
Let every man, women, teen, tween, child and infant fall to their knees and praise the God who sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to save all people including teenagers with raging hormones who change their mind on average every ten minutes.
Praise my God who helps me walk through the valley of the shadow of death known as Ms. Whitman's Science Room.
Oh my God, Oh my God, thank you for helping me survive the cruel words of queen bees, for helping me resist the temptation of cute high school boys and thank you for giving me great friends who will always be there to pick me up when I fall face first in the mud at lunch.
Thank you for my fellow sisters-in-Christ who will always have their arms wide open for huge bear hugs that always guarantee you will end up falling, who always have their shoulders ready to be cried on, who will always be the first one to hear about the new cute boy.
Please help me to not be pulled into the crowds whose favorite brand has and always will be Victoria's Secret.
Please help me not to be overcome by the drama of girls who are currently PMS-ing and to not let anyone take a piece of my heart which belongs to You.
Thank you for all the fun in middle school- dancing in front of school with my friends, giggling when that boy stares at you, wearing flip flops in the rain and just laughing and chilling out with my best buds. THANK YOU, God!"
Her heart always astounds me. :)


Nicole said...

She is amazing...I notice it more and more everytime I see her. The letter that she wrote Caitlyn was amazing as well. You have done well have shown your girl...the true Jesus. :)

Doanz said...

Ack! That is always terrifying to me..if I get props when she does well, does that mean I get a flogging when she messes up? :)Parenting is so stressful!

KEI said...

WOW! That's all I can say!