Wednesday, December 16, 2009

An Ode to Cyber Friends...

What a wonderful day off yesterday was! I almost think working 6 days a week is worth it, because I appreciate the days off so much more. I didn't get even half of my to-do list done, but I did have my spirit renewed and my laughter bank filled up- so I would say the day was a success. Christmas Concert, High School event, pedicure, good friends- what a great day.

I had the wonderful opportunity to not only get a pedicure, but to sit for two hours and talk with a dear friend- who I have seen face to face all of one time. Sounds so weird, doesn't it? I always ask Steve if it is strange that I feel so connected to some people through my computer, and he keeps saying no- but I don't know. :) From Slovenia, to Georgia, to California, and back to the Northwest again, I have dear sisters that I pray for all the time, laugh and love with, and yet- it is all through technology. Whether it is blogging, emailing or texting- our lives don't allow us to sit down and have a real cup of tea together, but our computers and gadgets let us grow in Christ as friends. How weird is that?

Well, today- I don't much care, because my dear Cyber friend blessed my socks off yesterday. In the very literal sense. Bahahaha! How did she know I would need time to sit, have a nice foot massage and get pretty toes for Christmas? If she had not pushed for it and asked to set a date to get together, yesterday would have been filled with bill paying, moving boxes, scrubbing floors and toilets, and general sweat and tears. (Not that all that still doesn't need to be done, any volunteers?) Instead, God gave me the physical rest, and my buddy brought a spiritual reminder. She is such a gracious, patient lady. Listening to her talk about her life, her kids, and her hope for the future- I was reminded how much God is working all around me. Being with her quiet heart was so good for me, and I am just praying that I don't have to wait until I am 60 too to get that. She even gently reminded me not to hate my nasty landlord and give him the benefit of the doubt. :)

All in all, I am a thankful girl today. As I head to work to see my patients, I can do it with a bounce in my step. Thank you, Lord, for the friends who help us, and a world that needs us.
"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel." Proverbs 27:9


KEI said...

Love you cyber-friend! Looking forward to our face-to-face soon!

Trisha said...

Ohhh how I wish I could get my toes done with you and do some serious catching up. =) Your prayers mean the world to me girl.