Saturday, August 23, 2008

Facebook and me...

I have finally realized the reality that there is no avoiding internet relationships. I deleted my Myspace to make a statement, and all I did was make people mad at me. So, after numerous invitations to join, I have officially become a facebooker. Apparently more of my old friends use Facebook, so it has been fun to see that. Plus I have a hatred for Myspace for many reasons, much too detailed to put here. We will see what comes.

As I was trying to be cool and make my page more interesting, I came across this photo and it made me cry. I have known this amazing person, Stefanie Clark, since I was 7 years old, and I can't tell you how much I love her. I looked at this photo, and remembered all the fun times, all the tough times, and how no matter what a witch I was, she stuck by me. And now, as Christian sisters and sisters- in- law, our relationship could not be sweeter. To see the same girl in this beautiful woman that I use to play Barbies with, and pretend to be Cheetara with down in the woods is the best gift I could ever get. Stefanie has such a sweet spirit, and trusting faith in God, she inspires me every day. If only there was a way for me to pay her back for all the wonderful things she has done, but until I find a way, I will continue to be blessed by her friendship, and her laughter. Thank God for true friends who stand the test of time. And thank God for Stefanie.

1 comment:

KEI said...

okay, so I don't think I can read your blogs anymore because every time I do I start to cry! You are so thoughtful and have such great insights, I'm ashamed of my blog! I thank God for you and your friendship, which has withstood the test of time and distance! I love you!