Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A side note...

Had to do two posts today because God is just that good! We had a final TAG (Teen Accountability Group)worship night tonight as a farewell to the school year, and I can't even explain how awesome it is to see God working RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Sure, some of the teens were goofing off or whatever, but then there were others- kids I pray for and dearly want to see in love with Jesus, lifting up their hands to their Creator and singing with unexpected abandon. What a blessing to me, as I worshiped with them to realize these young adults are growing, and no matter what kind of mess they might make, God is in their lives and will give them grace and love and joy, and a good ol' whoopin' when they need it too!

One of the songs we sang said that God is our living water, without Him we perish. And God just brought that truth home in such a real way to me. I planted our awesome palm tree on Saturday, and today it looks pathetic, palms all curled up, yellowing tips. I was so bummed, and then I felt the soil. I hadn't watered it enough after transplanting. DUH! I know plants need lots of H2O at transplant time, but I thought palms needed way less. Apparently not. Without water, my poor tree is going to die. Wither up, suffer, and die. And that is exactly what happens to me when I choose to turn away from the "water" that only God can give, my nourishment and my strength. Oh, God, bring that truth home to me every day, and make it real to Felida's youth. Show them your glory, Lord. Forgive me for the times I make other things more important than spending time with you, "drinking" in your words and your ways. And God, please make my palm tree live. :)

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