Monday, August 24, 2009

The Grand Finale! Friday in Lakeview...

Last day in Lakeview. We woke up with mixed feelings. As I had my quiet time that Friday morning, I couldn't help but cry over all that God had accomplished through our teens that week. We saw friendships strengthened, unity in the body of Christ increased, and preached the Good News to so many sweet little hearts. I watched our kids lead like I didn't think they could, show a different way to worship to the teens of Lakeview- using their creativity and God-given talents. It was so awesome to watch, and even more exciting to be a part of. Seriously, all day I was embarrassing myself with tears of joy. You know how well that goes over with high schoolers...they probably thought I was a creepy freak. :)

We said goodbye to Lakeview and all that was wonderful about it, and packed up our Expeditions to head to Redding. That definitely cheered me up, because where there is Redding- there is In-N-Out. Yes.

We ate burgers, stayed in a terrifying house, played stress filled rounds of Mafia into the wee hours, and found that no matter where we were, Felida Youth can have fun and love God like nobody's business! It was a great week. I know that God changed my perspective on teens in a million ways, and I fell totally in love with Felida's youth staff.

The question now is- how do we translate all that new found talent and leadership into our home church? Where can we make room for our teens to be God's mouth piece, be His hands, and be His heart for the community around us? It was so interesting to me that as I talked with my son about all that had transpired that week, he had such a heart for what God had done, and excitement over the way things had happened. But as the distractions of life came back into play, the Spirit of God got quieter in my son's mouth. I think that happens to all of us- I know it did me. I spent the entire week of Lakeview getting up with no house to clean, no garden to tend, no nursing job, no husband to care for- just me, a house full of sleeping girls, and my Bible. I felt like I was on a retreat with Jesus, feeling Him hold my hand and smile at me as He watched me be in awe of Him. Of course that kind of undivided attention on God and His Word would be rewarded with a passionate spirit and joy. Once we get back in the "real world", where there are distractions and crises, how do we keep our focus? It's like the Lighthouse Skit in real life- minus the creepy things.

Oh, God- keep being huge for me and Felida's Youth. Help us to get up every morning with you on our minds, and go to be every night with God Sightings on our lips. Convict our hearts to make YOU a priority, and bless us with Your very real presence in our day to day lives. I can't wait to see what you are going to do next, Lord. As school starts and our teen accountability groups meet again- help Lakeview not become a fun memory, but a memorial for all that You want to do through us.

"And now...what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the LORD's commands... for your own good?" Deut 10:12-13

1 comment:

KEI said...

Okay, I want to know why you were in REDDING CALIFORNIA and I was not informed?!?!?!?>!>!? (insert explatives here) I would have HAPPILY driven the 2-3 hours up to REDDING to see some of my FAVORITE PEOPLE, but again I ask WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED?!?!?! I anxiously await your response!!!!!