Wednesday, August 19, 2009

VBS Day 3- Lakeview Style!

Ahhh, we have now arrived at Wednesday- mid way through our Rural Mission Trip week, and more than half way to In and Out Burger! Woohoo!

We had another fun-filled VBS day, learning about Moses and the people of Israel. The bible point for this day was actually one of my favorites, because it reminds me of my Believing God study- "God does what He says He will do". How often do any of us really take God at His word? He has said that He will provide for us even more abundantly than the birds of the air (and there is one FAT robin that hangs out on my patio every morning), that He will never leave us or forsake us, and ALL THAT WE NEED can be found in often do I really function in that place- of believing God to "do what He says He will do"? Not enough, Father, not enough.

Well- in Lakeview, we were all relying on God's might and strength and He showed up! The Zombie Apocalypse was trying to take us out- one kid after another was succumbing to sore throats, congestion and headaches...but you would never know it! They were singing and dancing with the VBS'ers, laughing with each other, then crashing during quiet time! It was awesome to see God give them the strength and energy they needed to make it through each morning.

Wednesday we were blessed with a beautiful hike through Crane Creek. One of the church members is a local Forest Service Engineer, so it was a blast listening to him explain the ins and outs of conservation, land erosion, and the proactive interventions they had put into the creek to keep the road from destroying it. Almost all the obstacles of trees and brush you see in the pictures, Shawn (Forest Service Man) and his crews had placed there intentionally to provide for fish habitat, bank support, etc.

Afterwards, the same cool people hooked us up with dinner and some fun water games at their house. Apparently for fun, they also hit apples out into the field behind their house- which entertained us for quite awhile.

It was a great time to visit and just hang out with each other. The Lakeview folks were so hospitable and generous with us, I can't tell you how amazing they were. I really enjoyed Jennifer (church-go-to-gal) and Jill (a sweet Jesus lover) and the conversations we had about our children and the way God was working in our lives and our futures. Oh, I wish I had had more time to get to know Jill, but I know someday we will have all eternity to laugh and talk together.

We then went swimming this night at the local pool. I didn't really want to considering how stinkin' cold it was, but after I got over the initial shock, I loved it! There is a hilarious video of our synchronized swimming on my facebook for those who are considering youth work. You won't regret investing in the next generation- if for no other reason but you get to learn how to synchronize swim!

We had also been introduced to "Woof", the most disturbing children's book series ever, and laughed our way from breakfast to dinner thinking about poor Woof and his misadventures.

Yeah, the pictures say it all.

The girls got to have a little "AUDOC" competition after lights out, praise Jesus together, and learn more about how uniquely God had made each of us, but we function best when we are connected. All in all, a very eventful day and a great end to what could have been a average Wednesday.

"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us." Romans 12:4-6a

1 comment:

KEI said...

It looks like you had such a great time fellowshiping and worshiping! I'm so glad for you and a little sad not to be a part of it! Love you!