Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday- Day 1 of Crocodile Dock- Lakeview Style!!

Again, blown away over how my reality can come crashing down on my theology. In my mind, I couldn't wait to come home to my perfect marriage, perfect life- and instead was reminded very quickly isn't perfect. HAHAHAHA.

So, I am choosing to focus on the fantastic, and trying to remember all the ways God shocked me into awe this last week. Last Monday at this time, I was being completely absorbed by our fantastic Youth Group. We were eating dinner, laughing and debriefing over a fantastic first day of VBS.

The first Bible point is "God is with us" for this year's curriculum, and I think every Felida staff would shout a "Fear Not" to that. From the first night, we were blown away by how God provided so wonderfully for us. The church was quaint and beautiful. It was clean, with so much character and obvious love from the members, we took picture after picture.

He also provided the girls with a super fun "MAD" house to stay in (Making A Difference). We couldn't get over the neat ceiling tiles kids had decorated, the comfy couches, and of course the sweet pool table and fuseball!

I got to spend some time right off the bat getting to know Rachel, a graduating senior I have never spent much time with. God was good and opened up conversation for us over pool table tips. She is such a neat person with so many talents. It was such a blessing to get to know her over the week and learn how I can pray for her this year while she starts college, and love her as my sister in Christ.

I think for day 1, this would have been my motto:
"I shall run the way of your commandments, for you will ENLARGE my heart." Psalm 119:32
I started out feeling a little indifferent to all the boys and some of the girls, thinking God was putting me on this trip to get to know my TAG girls better and be sure no one died (being a nurse, that is kind of in the job description). But God so totally "enlarged my heart" for our youth, I literally want to cry every time I think about it. Jo had a friend over yesterday, and as he was leaving I wanted to just grab him and squeeze him...of course I DIDN'T. Tad inappropriate and creepy, but I wanted to! Just because I love this kids so much, and can't wait to see what God will do in them and through them in the years to come. They lead games, songs, taught lessons- it was amazing how much they know about God and how capable they are...when they put some effort into it. :)

It couldn't have been a better start to what would be a fantastic trip- so hopefully it won't be too hard for you to have to wait anxiously for tomorrow's installment of VBS- Lakeview style!

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